I'm a red-headed photographer, believer,
lover of all things Disney, musical-obsessed bathroom-singer, imaginary actress, wife to a hilarious
red-headed stud-muffin nicknamed hunny-bunny,
and mom to two gorgeous red-headed boys.

I honestly couldn't come up with another cool D word to represent family - so Dudes it is. God, hubby, sons, brothers. They are everything to me.
But, you know what?
I grew up in the 90s and early 2000's and everyone was a Dude. I call girls Dude, too.
So here in this paragraph that never seems to end, Dude is going to represent all of my family and friends.
I am an extremely family-oriented person. My family members are my best friends. And my friends become like family.
So, yup. Dudes...

Come on, friends, I grew up in the golden age of the 90s.
All of the great OG Disney Classics fueled my tiny soul.
Well, and Anastasia, cause it might as well be Disney.

The boss. Enough said.
No, Mr. Pibb doesn't count.... (***shots fired)

I am a huge dreamer.
Literally and figuratively.
My dreams are always intricate stories and I tend to watch them like a spectator inside my head.
But also, I love to imagine. I have a huge imagination and may or may not finish writing a book someday..... maybe..... if I can get my act together...
Because of my imagination, I love stories, reading, writing, and was raised as a movie buff (Star Wars, Star Trek - I know, I know, in the same sentence.... Godzilla, Narnia, etc.).
I also dream of seeing the world! I have been to South Korea (soon to be my 10th visit), Mexico (3 times), and England!

The look of utter delight and awe on the groom's face as the bride walks down the aisle,
the tiny fingers of a newborn grasping her mother's hand,
the excitement of a son as he embraces the waist of his mama's growing belly,
the aching happiness of a father's first look of his girl,
the Eskimo kisses from a mama to her babe,
the squeal of giggles only a father can bring,
the heirlooms that sit as a reminder for those missed,
all of the unique and authentic moments between loved ones,
which make each person, each couple, each family, unique.



Growing up, my father was the KING of photos in our family!
Or should I say stalker???? At any and every family event, he was the typical middle-aged guy with his semi-professional camera all up in your grill, taking picture after picture after picture.... *breath* after picture after picture.
You know what I'm talking about...
We ALL have one of those.
Although he seemed annoying, and possibly a bit coo-coo, back then, I learned over time the appreciation of photography because of him.
He wasn't just shoving his camera into people's personal bubbles, adjusting his position over and over, just for the sake of a hobby. It seems that way from someone on the other side of the lens. But for someone who loves photography, you understand the beauty of pictures and also the depth of meaning behind them.
My dad was freezing moments in time - almost like magic. - memories that each of us, especially me, would treasure for the rest of our lives.
Snapshots of my brothers and I as we grew up, of our vacations, our parties and birthdays and special moments. Of our adventures with our extended family and friends.
After he passed away suddenly when I was 13, those "snapshots" became more than just photos. They became everything.
My connection; back to a time I cherished.
And now I do the same for my own family and children.
I try to appear a little less crazy at least, but I make it my endeavor to freeze moments in time, in order that we may all hold on to them dear, and keep those moments a part of us forever.
I continue that legacy of loving images and of
loving the people I'm photographing.